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SteelTailor Cable Connector is honored to connect Hypertherm Powermax105 with Cutting machines. As we all know, Hypertherm has made the most powerful Powermax-Powermax105. Powermax105 could detect consumables end-of-life, automatically turning off power to prevent potential damage to the torch or the work piece.
SteelTailor Cable Connector is a good helper to simplify the installation between plasma and machine. With this cable, cutting machine can be connected to plasma power easily.
SteelTailor Cable Connector is specialized to connect with plasma power, with one end connecting to cutting machines, the other to specific plug of plasma power, which is as simple as connecting to PC. Hypertherm Powermax105 is able to use this cable connector.
In one word, SteelTailor Cable Connector offers a quick connector solution for Hypertherm Powermax105.
More Information about Powermax105:
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